How Brown Fat Cells Actually Help You Dissolve Excess Body Fat

So this might sound strange, but did you know that our bodies have several kinds of fat cells? Brown fat, beige and white fat cells (white fat cells being what you are probably most familiar with).

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The function of white fat cells is to store energy. This is the function that you are probably familiar with when you think about fat.

You eat, your body stores excess food energy as fat - for energy later.  Biologically, this is a survival mechanism. Our bodies are designed to store excess fat for times of famine, so that we don't starve in-case of food shortage.

If you think back to the times of our caveman ancestors, this makes a lot of sense. Food was not always available. Days, weeks and even months could elapse without very scarce availability of food.

Storing fat is not intrinsically a bad thing. It's a survival mechanism.

The problem is that in modern times, we have access to an abundance of food. We rarely if ever experience a single day where this isn't plenty to eat. We never need to burn our fat storage supplies and so, for many of us, we end up on a path of excessive fat storage.

So in modern life, we look to diets and exercise and a variety of different ways to manage excess fat storage. And that is where the discovery of brown-fat cells and their function of creating fat-burning internal body heating gets very interesting...

So, Do Brown Fat Cells, Just Naturally Burn Fat?

Well, actually... yes. In a study published in Nature Medicine, 52,000 men and women were studied and a very interesting discovery was made between brown fat cells, white fat cells and obesity in men & women.

It was found that an increased prescience of brown fat cells (B.A.T) also known as Low-brown adipose tissue (aka: brown fat cells) actually do cause our bodies to burn excess body fat at an increased rate. and this was due to the primary function of brown-fat cells - which is to create heat when needed for internal body temperature regulation, such as in a cold environment.

So the question naturally arose, could increasing brown fat cell count & activation be used to manage healthy weight loss goals?

And since usually, brown fat cells are usually only activated when there is an environmental need for the body to produce additional body heat (such as winter time) - would we possibly trigger the production-activation of brown fat cells specifically for the purpose of burning excess body fat?

And that is where things get really interesting. Because it it turns out, that it is actually possible to call on the creation-activation of brown fat cells, which then can help to naturally burn excess body fat.

So how do you increase brown fat production and activation if you want to use it to burn excess body fat?

Any for the answer to this, we need to look to some natural plant extracts that have shown to naturally boost brown fat (BAT) levels.

Plant extracts that boost BAT levels (brown fat) production-activation:

- boosts BAT(2) (brown fat)
- Supports cognition & brain function
- Helps promote healthy cholesterol levels

- boosts BAT(6) (brown fat)
- helps reduce inflammation

Holy Basil
- boosts BAT(10)
- calms stress
- balances the endocrine system

White Korean Ginseng
- boosts BAT(5)
- supports immune system

Amur Cork Bark
- boosts BAT(9)
- supports digestive enzymes

- boosts BAT(3)
- rich in antioxidants
- helps balance metabolism

- boosts BAT(14)
- helps to support high blood pressure
- anti-aging

- boosts BAT(12)
- supports fat metabolism

So, Which Works Best for Boosting BAT (Brown Fat)

While each of these individual plants have demonstrated BAT boosting characteristics. Health, and wellness - is never just one thing.

It took me a lot of years and personal experimentation to realize that health, is a balance.

That -balance- IS health. When you're body is balanced within all of it's functions, that IS health.

So when it comes to choosing a plant supplement, to help support fat loss, the best solution is also a BALANCE.

It takes greater experts then myself to precisely formulate the perfect blended balance of plant nutrients in order to achieve an optimal result from the BAT (brown fat) burning alchemy.

Luckily, we don't have to figure that out ourselves, because there are already experts who have precisely measured, formulated and tested the most optimal balance of natural plant ingredients required to achieve optimal brown-fat boosting levels to burn white-fat cell, "stored fat" on the body, helping to achieve ideal healthy weight loss.

The company that leads this innovation is one that I have had a lot of personal success with over the years. Exipure is a leading pioneer in the usage of brown-fat stimulating natural plant-based ingredients. You can learn even more about brown-fat & how to use it for healthy and effective weight loss at their website.

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You can a 180 day free trial of Exipure, their highly effective, brown-fat boosting weight loss supplement. Non-GMO, no stimulants, non-habit forming, made with natural plant ingredients. If you're not happy with your results, they have a 100% money back guarantee.